速報APP / 教育 / Chordrill - Full

Chordrill - Full



檔案大小:18.9 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 11.2 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Chordrill - Full(圖1)-速報App

This app is for training on 'chord analysis' ('harmonic analysis'), which is very important for analyzing music. It will give a variety of questions with different keys and difficulties so that you can improve your skills on chord analysis efficiently.

This app's preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IP70_0bbHw

=== Main Feature List ===

Chordrill - Full(圖2)-速報App

* Selecting a level of difficulty from Intro I, Intro II, Easy, Moderate, and Difficult.

* Questions with a variety of chords (diatonic chords and alternative chords).

* Support of inverted chords.

Chordrill - Full(圖3)-速報App

* Playing and arpeggiating a chord.

* Report section to show your performance report.

* Selecting a key from fifteen major and fifteen minor keys.

Chordrill - Full(圖4)-速報App

* Selecting a clef.

* Keeping a list of questions with flags so that they can be reviewed later.

Chordrill - Full(圖5)-速報App
